Friends of the Hatton,

Since 2022
          Lectures take place on Saturdays at the Learning Room of the Hatton Gallery and are open for members and the general public.

Spring Programme 2024: Photography

9th March at 1.30pm – Prof Wolfgang Weileder

Often related to his temporary time-based and site-specific installations and sculptures, Wolfgang Weileder explores in his photographic work the relationship between space and time. He uses specially for each project developed cameras and processes to capture changes and transformations onto single images. Questioning and challenging our understanding of space, he proposes in his photograph a new reading of our environment and the interactions we have with it.
Wolfgang Weileder is a visual artist and sculptor based in Newcastle who has exhibited internationally for the past 30 years. Best known for his large-scale site-specific installations in public spaces, that create new, temporary buildings, his practice and research are concerned with exploring how we engage with public space and architecture, and our negotiation of civic and social space.
Wolfgang has been Professor of Contemporary Sculpture at Newcastle University since 2006.

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6th April at 1.30 pm – Joanne Coates

Joanne Coates is a working class visual artist using the medium of photography. She lives and works across the North East of England. Her work explores rurality, hidden histories, and inequalities relating to low income through photography, installations, and audio. She uses photography to question stories around power, identity, wealth, and poverty. She was first educated in working-class communities, and then at London College of Communication (BA Hons Photography). Participation and working with communities are an important aspect of her work.

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11th May at 1.30pm – Euan Lynn: An Instant History: The Story Of Instant Photography

The concept of a photograph becoming available to us instantly is something we now take for granted – but it was the Polaroid company who first brought us this miracle in the 1940’s, and then subsequently refined it over the coming decades. Pioneered by Edwin Land, instant photography cut out the need for darkrooms, development and printing, giving you your photograph (almost) instantaneously. This talk will trace the development of instant photography from the 40’s to the present day, looking at its cultural importance as well as the artists who have utilised it for their work.

Euan Lynn is a multi-disciplinary artist based in Newcastle, working across photography, electronic sound and installation, whose work explores the legacies of modernism and how they relate to the present day.

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